Anyway, see ya next year folks!
Anyway, see ya next year folks!
"Stop driving so damn fast Franky!", Will was nervously bellowing.
"You gotta relax man, there ain't no other cars out here." he replied as if he was in total control of the situation, which of course, he was not. "We gotta get over to The Dean's house as soon as possible, that's ASAP bro! You know he's gonna be fucking pissed if we aren't the in time for this big meeting."
"I still don't get it man, why are we going? What the hell is the meeting for anyway?" Will was trailing off to just barely a mumble towards the end.
"I don't know, but I do know if The Dean wants us to be there, we will be there! This is heavy shit" Franky explained so nebulously.
Franky Benson is for lack of a better term, a moron. He wasn't always this way, after spending the vast majority of his teenage years and early twenties snorting anything he could find and smoking everything else. Well, he had become, a burnout. He speaks with that kind of silly accent that people try to do when impersonating Keanu Reaves ala Point Break. For the most part though, he was a good guy. At least that's what everybody would say about him later when he wasn't much of a guy at all anymore.
Will, well, what ever his last name is. Will on the other hand was a bright kind of person. Spent most of his days learning and trying to improve himself, just like a proper human being. His one downfall was having a dirtbag friend like Franky. He grew up in a farm town outside of Fort Smith, Arkansas. Managed to escape the small town maelstrom and went straight south to Dallas. There he worked in a few IT positions and ran the occasional mule up from the Mexican border, though he never mule'd himself. The most interesting thing about Will Whatever is what happened to him after the last time we heard about him.
Enviado desde mi iPad, cabrón.
That is all.
That's all really, I'll probably post some tunes up here eventually. You know, for all 3 of you to hear.
- Jonathan (via iPhone)
Anywho, here's the morsel I call "Retreat!":
"Put my ear down to the earth today. Couldn't believe what she
started to say. Said 'leave now, run and get far away. Use your
machines and blast into space.'"
- Jonathan (via iPhone)
(682) 738-5709
Uhh, don't buy it?
I will buy one, because i use the hell out of my iPhone in the way the
iPad is meant to be used. I'll probably stop using my Desktop
altogether. Except for the occasional game or two.