Friday, January 23, 2009

Facebook Status Murder

Alright, so this one is an extreme case, but...

Wife murdered for Facebook status

We are getting to a point where the so called "social networking"
sites are becoming a nearly tangible piece of our lives. People
getting mad about things said on "MySpace". Hey, I'm guilty of it.
Most of us are by this juncture. It's just, well, people think that
just because it's "the Internet" that it doesn't matter as much,
internal censors don't kick in and people say some horribly ignorant

Obviously the man in the article was quite disturbed. I'm just saying,
if you wouldn't say something to someone's face, don't say it to the

- Jonathan (via iPhone)

Monday, January 19, 2009

The Jack Line

Once upon a time,
There was The Jack Line...

I had this wacky idea a few years ago while playing with the band Jack Mystery.  I thought, wouldnt it be funny/awkward and totally different to have a dedicated phone line for people to call and leave messages on?  Well, i spent a little free time on it and came up with a rather geeky PSTN - VOIP method of doing just that.  I simply got a free Washington State phone number and had the calls forwarded to a free GizmoProject account, then the messages were sent to a Gmail account and after all that, I had a script set up on the actual Jack Mystery website (no longer publicly accessible) to search the Gmail inbox RSS feed and automagically post the voicemails to the Jack Line portion of our website.

I know, genius.

Anyway, so i was suddenly reminded of it today and have decided to post a few.

most of them are completely ridiculous:

While we were actually playing live
One and Two

"You Guys Are Good" super enthusiastic huh?

and last but certainly not least...

Flat Tire is my absolute favorite we ever got, and we got a hell of a lot more than these!

Anyway, I have been thinking about doing something similar to this recently.  More in the direction of letting people vent/bitch to the internet.  I mean, thats mostly what we use blogs, twitter, myspace and all for right?


Thursday, January 15, 2009


I think I'd like to do something constructive, but what? Music has
been tough to produce up here in frozen tundra land. Can't really do
any video stuff, didn't bring any of that gear with me at all.

I have been writing a decent amount, most of it simple personal rants
and the random bits of prose.

Maybe I'll build a flying machine!

- Jonathan (via iPhone)

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Who Wants Some?

Thats right, who wants some? Come on, you know you want to put Uncle
Ralph's Brownie in your mouth.

Monday, January 5, 2009

The Power of Flight

Sure, unassisted human flight sounds great, but let's think about this
for just a moment.

What about the wind? Bugs? Birds? Planes? Missle Defense Systems?

I mean, it's currently 32 degrees out at sea level with plenty of
cloud cover. We are talking a cold fucking flight people! I can see
it now, flying along at a breakneck speeds, practically becoming a
human Popsicle. Sounds great!

Ok, ok... So yeah, sure. You can wear some sort of suit to protect you
from the elements. A mask, helmet. What ever... For me though, that
would indeed take a lot of the fun out of it.

Though I suppose I could head down Mexico way and cruise those skies.

Now teleportation... That'd be sweet.

- Jonathan (via iPhone)

Id, ego, and super-ego

I think my Id is showing.,_ego,_and_super-ego#Id

- Jonathan (via iPhone)

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Honey Bunches of Let Down

I love the cereal Honey Bunches of Oats. I have often thought to
myself that the same cereal minus the flakes would be fantastic.

Well, I'm not sure when it happened, but it did. They call it "Just

I just ate some and I have to say, I'm disappointed. It just didn't
taste right. Made me feel really thirsty, cereal normally doesn't do
that, does it?

What did I learn?

Sometimes fantasies are best left at that. Fantasies.

- Jonathan (via iPhone)


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