Monday, January 5, 2009

The Power of Flight

Sure, unassisted human flight sounds great, but let's think about this
for just a moment.

What about the wind? Bugs? Birds? Planes? Missle Defense Systems?

I mean, it's currently 32 degrees out at sea level with plenty of
cloud cover. We are talking a cold fucking flight people! I can see
it now, flying along at a breakneck speeds, practically becoming a
human Popsicle. Sounds great!

Ok, ok... So yeah, sure. You can wear some sort of suit to protect you
from the elements. A mask, helmet. What ever... For me though, that
would indeed take a lot of the fun out of it.

Though I suppose I could head down Mexico way and cruise those skies.

Now teleportation... That'd be sweet.

- Jonathan (via iPhone)

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