Saturday, December 20, 2008

Too Much, Too Little

Too much time, not enough time.

That is the conflict lately. Without going into too many details, it
seems like what I want, there is not enough time. What everybody else
wants, there is plenty of time.

I am too nice.

Wait, stop...

I am not going to write another bitchy blog post about bullshit in my
life. Instead, I'll talk about...


So, my latest/possibly last solo album is complete. One song to tweak
the volume on and it's done. The distribution end of things, well..
That's going to take a bit longer. Currently don't have the resources
to get that part accomplished. I will however be sending it out to a
few people, one in particular this evening or tomorrow.

I will also be posting a few more tracks on this blog as well as
setting up a MySpace page for the project (again).

So, people who actually take the time to read my diatribes and other
assorted musings. When the time comes, tell you friends, send emails,
do something! I want to push it this time out.

Also, I have set up my Twitter feed to automatically post new songs
uploaded. So, if you use Twitter, feel free to follow me and grab em
up quick! (Twitter link to the right of this post.)

- Jonathan (via iPhone)

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