Saturday, May 24, 2008


So, if anyone ever looks here at my blog... You may notice that there
is now my twitter feed as well as my youtube videos available.

Also added a link to my .Mac web gallery (where I upload photos from
my iPhone).

Other than that, just hanging around.

Sent from my iPhone


maddiehazel said...

hi :)

Unknown said...

well hello yourself! :)

maddiehazel said...

yeah, i've kept a blog now for quite some time (as you see). i'm much the melodramatic sometimes so not too many people know about it, but it's my release... everyone needs some outlet i suppose.

Unknown said...

yeah, sometimes I write serious stuff on my blog, but some of it I end up reading later on and deleting. Ya know...

maddiehazel said...

i do know. i try not to delete anything that i write, although i have deleted MANY of things. but if i don't release it and let it stay put it comes right back to me to stay bottled up. it's not a healthy thing for me. it's makes sara go something something...


Live or Latest Video from My iPhone.